Monday, May 20, 2019

Quarter 4 Reflection

    This year was absolutely rewarding. Other than learning about grammatical errors and citing essential evidence, a powerful element I learned in this class was about life itself. I said this before, specifically in my last reflection blog, but I learned about the significance of hope. Hope can be such a fatal thing sometimes. Yet, it’s importance is fundamental to the heart; well, at least it should be. I learned this during the Holocaust unit. So many people lost happiness and faith throughout this era. Their lives were changed to a ghastly fashion. When I read about those who fought against this terribleness, even when they were imprisoned in these camps, they still yet had looked at the bright side of the situation and hoped for better. I would believe Elie Wiesel was one who hoped for brightness, even when his hope was minimum. Hope can mean many things. For instance, it can be used as a synonym for desire and wish. But, I mainly see it as optimism and promise; some sort of faith. I would never suffer the same as those who had lived throughout the Holocaust - so I should remain hopeful, like the survivors of that era; because if they can, I can.

    Another personal thing I learned this year was the power of speech. I also learned this  throughout the Holocaust unit. I learned many things at that point of the year. Anyways, it can relate to discrimination. Discriminating someone based on something silly, for instance a stereotype, is immoral. I learned how powerful only one person's words can be. One's opinion for a specific group can easily change the way how a country thinks. Hitler’s words were so powerful, yet so silly. It's ridiculous to treat someone different based on religion, political beliefs, and race. It absolutely insane that conflicts like these are occurring throughout the world. They're not as horrible as it was like in the Holocaust, but it certainly is effecting. We should always pay attention to what we say, because our words will always make an impact.

This year, I also learned about the importance of religion. Basically, everything I learned that was extremely significant and personal was throughout the Holocaust unit; I guess it was just my favourite. Anyways, I believe religion is additionally associated with hope/ belief. Many Jews throughout the Holocaust era lost faith in religion or thought contrary of it. Though, I noticed that the jews who remained hopeful and survived this period had at least some faith or association in their religion. I although might not be extremely religious where I would visit church every Sunday, but I learned that believing something is important.  

Something I’d remember for the rest of life is probably the use of Blogger, Edmodo, and Quizlet. Yeah, I now that isn't really personal or anything of that fashion, but I’m positive it’ll stick to me, especially Quizlet. Quizlet is one of the easiest learning sites I’ve ever used. It does have it's disadvantages, but it's most credible. Thanks to this class, I now know a great studying site. In fact, a couple months ago, my mom needed help memorizing some words and definitions, and now she uses Quizlet. Well, used, that was back in February. Anyways, Quizlet would probably be something I’d use in my future years.

I am not sure what was the nicest thing someone did for me in our class. Maybe it was something that I really didn’t acknowledge because it wasn’t most impactive. Maybe the nicest deed someone did for me in ELA was was something rather small. In fact, I recall the time I lost my root/ prefixes sheet which I needed at that moment. Since I didn’t have it, I decided to google it. Though, the prefix had multiple meanings; I didn’t know which one was the designated one. I so then asked the person next to me if I can borrow his sheet. Thankfully, he approved, and I was able to learn the prefix. Another thing i’d say would be the time my friends helped me understand a new concept for the This I Believe essay. Thanks girls!

This year, I really didn't teach anyone anything. Well, that is what I believe. Maybe my teacher or classmates learned something about me I did not notice. I really can’t say anything for this.

I really increase my vocabulary and grammar this year! I accomplished this with not only vocabulary quizzes, but also (and mainly) writing papers. I used great websites like to guide me through this course. Not only that, but the constant writing and effort made improvements throughout the development. The resources I was given to refer by, like books and poems were also impactive. Everything I learned and used together affected my growth throughout this year.

Throughout the school year, I would force myself to write the best I can. That was an overall challenge. I faced a lot of insecurity and stress when I’m writing, especially when it’s school related. In my free time, I write, it’s a hobby of mine. When I do this, I take my time to write the best I can. In contrast, when I’m writing an essay for ELA, I would rush and try to do my absolute best. I rush because my time is rather limited. When time is limited, I have less time to think about the gist and details of my work. And when I have less time to think, I have no idea what I’m doing which gets me stressed and tired. The stress and tiredness results to insecurities. When this happens, I’d look back at my writing  and tell myself how pathetic my work is. Then, I’d try to improve with the limited time and stress, until the paper is due. This used to constantly happen. Though, I still get insecurities and stress, which is still challenging to overcome.

I don't have my favorite piece of writing. I look back at my most recent and I already spot an error. Writing shows development. Looking back at them refers to your past self, despite if it was written just yesterday. Looking back shows what was done and what wasn’t; what there is and what there isn’t. I shall never have a favourite because they’ll always have errors. Pieces of writing shows what there could’ve been when there isn’t. You read what it says, but it’s meaning is unpredictable.  I shall never have a favourite because, each piece is it’s own world. There is no comparison other than words. Words are just words. The emotion the author puts is special and inexplicable because it’s different in every piece. Sometimes, the author does not even know it. I don’t have a favourite.

Of the books I’ve read this year, I cannot decide which is my favourite. They can’t compare because of their massive differences. I love both of them, The Giver and Night. The Giver, it sparks great imagination. It introduces a world we’ve never seen before. The society and morality differs from our world. The world of Jonas and The Giver is so questionable and unpredictable yet explainable. A world of what there is, there isn’t. And in Night, the tension and emotion is absolutely sensible. The pain and worry Elie Wiesel felt was like no other. The memoir tells the story of a survivor from a time of treason. While reading, it’s  disappointing to know that every event in the book is true.

I guess my piece of advice is: listen very carefully. Misunderstanding is not the best.